September 9, 2024

UMW Landscape & Grounds Keeps Invasive Species at Bay

picture of treesThis seemingly beautiful woodland photo is actually filled with 80% invasive species, Ailanthus altissima (Tree of Heaven), located in two areas around our UMW Physical Plant and ball fields.

In January, UMW Landscape & Grounds awarded a grant from the VA Department of Forestry to remove these trees, treat the stumps with herbicide and address future sprouting Ailanthus seeds this spring. You likely saw the big removal show in late January!

Ailanthus altissima forms dense, clonal thickets which displace native species and can rapidly invade fields, meadows, and harvested forests. This invasive tree species is extremely tolerant of poor soil conditions andcan even grow in cement cracks!

It is also the host species for another invasive species, the Spotted Lanternfly. This invasive plant hopper was discovered in Pennsylvania in 2014. In Pennsylvania and its native range, SLF is a pest of grapes, peaches, hops, and apples…and it’s working its way into Virginia. Removing their host tree helps keep them at bay!