September 11, 2024

Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Speaker, March 21

Phi Beta Kappa Coming Events:
– Professor Anna Brickhouse, the Linden Kent Professor of English at the University of Virginia, will be this year’s Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Speaker. Brickhouse will be on campus to present a talk titled “Earthquakes and the Invention of America” on March 21 at 5 p.m. in the Hurley Convergence Center Digital Auditorium.
Professor Brickhouse specializes in early American and 19th-century U.S. literature in the context of the wider Americas. She is the author of two multi-prize-winning books, Transamerican Literary Relations and the Nineteenth-Century Public Sphere (Cambridge University Press, 2004) and The Unsettlement of America (Oxford University Press, 2014). Her work has been supported by the American Council of Learned Societies and the Guggenheim Foundation. She is currently completing a book on earthquakes and the literary imagination of catastrophe in the Americas. Students also will join Professor Brickhouse on Friday, March 22, at noon for pizza and informal conversation about her work.
– The Phi Beta Kappa spring induction ceremony will be held on Sunday, April 14.