Dean of Students Melissa Jones (right) presents the prestigious Grace Mann Launch Award to senior Jaylyn Long. Last week’s Eagle Awards ceremony recognized students and other members of the University community for their commitment to citizenship, philanthropy, academic excellence, community service and more. Photo by Sam Cahill
Each year, the Eagle Awards spotlight the unwavering commitment of Mary Washington students to their studies and involvement, as well as to each other. This sentiment resonates beyond the student body; emotions run high when faculty and staff are honored for their dedication to students as well.
The 2024 Eagle Awards – presented last week by the Office of Student Activities and Engagement, the Center for Community Engagement, and Campus Recreation – united inspiring student leaders with lively co-hosts, seniors Fiona Archer and Faith Jones. The ceremony, held in the Cedric Rucker University Center’s Chandler Ballroom, recognized award-winners for their commitment to community service, citizenship, philanthropy, academic excellence and more.
UMW President Troy Paino and Vice President for Student Affairs Juliette Landphair acknowledged the challenges faced by the Class of 2024, who began their college journey online, attending virtual classes during a pandemic. Their dedication to creating traditional student experiences had brought them to this pivotal moment just weeks before they cross the stage at Commencement.
Demonstrating an exceptional commitment to UMW and a passion for positive change, some individuals received multiple awards. One such standout was honored with the prestigious Grace Mann Launch Award, which recognizes an enduring quest for social justice. Dean of Students Melissa Jones took the stage to present this esteemed honor. Read more.