Professor of Political Science Stephen Farnsworth
Stephen Farnsworth, professor of Political Science and director of the University’s Center for Leadership and Media Studies, recently presented a lecture, “Late-Night in Washington: Political Humor in U.S. Presidential Elections,” at Europa University Viadrina, in Frankfurt (Oder), Germany. The talk, sponsored jointly by Fulbright Poland and Fulbright Germany, was derived from portions of Dr. Farnsworth’s recently published co-authored book, Late-Night in Washington: Political Humor and the American Presidency. Dr. Farnsworth is serving at the University of Warsaw in Poland as a Spring 2024 Fulbright Distinguished Scholar.
In addition, recent media mentions for Farnsworth include:
The Kennedy Who Wants to Dynamite the Presidential Campaign (The Sunday Tribune, Paris)
Hogan makes abortion-rights stand in Senate race (WTOP)
“Gov. Hogan had to make an ad like this. In pro-choice Maryland, being a Republican in a time when Roe vs. Wade has been overturned is very difficult in a statewide election,” said Stephen Farnsworth, a political-science professor at the University of Mary Washington.