September 7, 2024

Center for Historic Preservation Announces 2024 Book Prize

The University of Mary Washington Center for Historic Preservation is proud to award its 2024 Book Prize to Citizen Science in Maritime Archaeology: The Power of Public Engagement, edited by Della A Scott-Ireton, Jennifer E Jones, and Jason T. Raupp.  Citizen Science in Maritime Archaeology is a collection of essays exploring the wide variety of ways volunteers have been involved in gathering and processing data in cultural heritage projects in underwater environments around the world.  Whether involving combat veterans in or high school students, these projects are all grass roots efforts to actively engage communities in the scientific process of mapping, documenting, and preserving tangible fragments of our shared history that is found under water. While each of these essays could stand on its own as a deep case study of a specific place, from Massachusetts to New Zealand, as a collection this volume provides a glimpse at the future of the field where deep relationships with communities lead to meaningful collaborations in historic preservation.  Contributing authors Daniel Houlihan and Calvin Mires summarize this spirit when they state “We also begin to articulate a larger framework for understanding how citizen science projects can advance science while, simultaneously, enhancing the lives of participants.” (33) In each chapter, authors are honest in assessing the challenges of working in the field, generously sharing lessons learned in this eminently readable volume. This work is essential reading for everyone who is involved in studying or practicing professionally in historic preservation, a field that depends on the crucial work and passion of volunteers in preserving and interpreting our shared human histories.

Dr. Della A Scott-Ireton is associate director for the Florida Public Archaeology Network, University of West Florida and specializes in maritime and public archaeology.  Dr. Jennifer E. Jones is librarian, graduate of the East Carolina University coastal resources management program, and recipient of a US Fulbright Scholar Award 2020-2021.  Dr. Jason T. Raupp is assistant professor of maritime studies at East Carolina University.

The University of Mary Washington Center for Historic Preservation has awarded this prize annually since 1989 to the book (or books) with the most potential for positively impacting the discipline of historic preservation in the United States. In making its selection, the jury focuses on books that break new ground or contribute to the intellectual vitality of the preservation movement. Winners receive a monetary prize and are invited to give a lecture at UMW. The jury was comprised of preservation academics, professionals, alumni and a current student.

2024 University of Mary Washington Book Prize Committee:

Christine Rae Henry, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Historic Preservation, University of Mary Washington (Chair)

Erica Berger, UMW Class of 2025, Knight Scholar, Historic Preservation, University of Mary Washington
Paige Gibbon Bachus, Historic Site Manager, Brentsville Courthouse Historic Centre & Lucasville School

Andréa Livi Smith, Ph.D., Professor of Historic Preservation, University of Mary Washington

Jessica Ugarte, Tax Credit Reviewer, Virginia Department of Historic Resources