September 9, 2024

Classified Non-Exempt Employee Overtime Leave Option Reinstated

The option to elect overtime leave in lieu of overtime pay is being reinstated effective July 10, 2024. This option allows classified, non-exempt employees the option to earn time off (overtime leave) instead of overtime pay. Employees who wish to elect the overtime leave option must complete the election form and return it to their direct supervisor for processing. This is an annual election. The next opportunity to change this election will be in June, 2025.  For employees who wish to continue receiving overtime pay, no action is required.

The election period will open on Monday, June 10th and will close on Friday, June 21st.

Upon receiving a completed election form, direct supervisors should sign the form and make the change to the OT compensation method in Banner SSB as requested by the employee. SSB instructions for supervisors can be found on the payroll website, Overtime Leave Election Process. It is only necessary to take action within the Banner Self Service (SSB) web form if the employee’s compensation method for overtime is being changed.

Additional information regarding overtime leave can be found in the UMW Overtime Compensation Policy for Non-Exempt Employees.

MyTime training is available virtually if you need assistance. Please contact to schedule training. MyTime access concerns should be directed to the UMW Helpdesk at 2255.

If you have any questions regarding this process, please email Deborah Burton

Thank you,

Beth Williams
Executive Director for Human Resources
540 654-1294