On Monday, April 3, at 11 a.m., Andrew Kraus, Adjunct Professor of Piano at the University of Mary Washington, will present “An Introduction to Peter Feuchtwanger’s Piano Exercises for Curing Playing-Related Disorders in Pianists as Well as for Learning a Functionally Natural Behaviour in Piano Playing” for the Rappahannock Music Society(http://www.rappahannockmusicsociety.org/) in the theater of the Central Rappahannock Regional Library.
Mr. Kraus has performed as a soloist across the U.S., Europe and Asia in recitals. Elke Walter, writing in the Frankische Landeszeiting on April 25, 2014, wrote about Kraus’ premiere performance of his Henselt in Context concert in Bavaria: “Kraus proved to be like a sensitive ‘piano whisperer’ …nimbly acrobatic with his fingers at the keyboard…the pieces…were equally played out with the same radiant vitality. With his highly sensitive interpretive art, Kraus succeeded in presenting a touching tribute to the Schwabacher piano virtuoso, Adolph von Henselt – and simultaneously piano music of the Romantic. First class.”
Follow him on Facebook at Andrew Kraus, Pianist where he blogs, post links to current and upcoming performances. His recordings are available through CDBaby and Amazon.com. He can be reached by email at akraus@umw.edu.