September 7, 2024

UMW Employee Chili Cook-Off, March 5

USC Chili Cook-Off Flyer 2024

Mark your calendars and prepare your recipes! The University Staff Council’s Annual Chili Cook-Off and Cornbread Bake-Off will be held on Tuesday, March 5 from 11:30am-1pm in The Underground in Lee Hall.

Sign up your famous chili or cornbread (it’s okay if it’s not that famous) at the link below by Tuesday, February 27.

You don’t have a go-to recipe for chili or cornbread? We’re also accepting dessert contributions!

Voting will take place from 11:30am-12:30pm then full bowls will be available until chili runs out. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners for chili and cornbread will be announced at the event.  May the best chili and cornbread win!

Chili Cook-Off and Cornbread Bake-Off Entry Form:

Questions can be directed to Lauren Bass at

-The University Staff Council Activities Committee