May 8, 2024

Important Information from the Accounts Payable Office

The following message is from the Accounts Payable Office:  

Please remember to reset your bookmarks and favorites to the new Accounts Payable web address  If you use bookmarks or favorites to get to specific parts of our Accounts Payable site or to get to frequently used forms on our site, you will need to re-establish those bookmarks or favorites links.  

In addition, please be sure to use the website to get the latest forms that have the new website addresses within the forms.  If you use the search feature on the UMW website and cannot find the AP information you are looking for, please go directly to our site  If you continue to have trouble finding the Accounts Payable information that you need, please email or call Julie Smith, the Accounts Payable Manager, at 654-1226 to let us know your specific problem.

Thank you.