Dre Anthes, Director of Graduate Admissions, was a guest speaker at Virginia Union University on Wednesday, Oct. 9. She presented information on graduate school to two different groups of students, including VUU’s Sydney Lewis School of Business.
Capture Your UMW Spirit with a Video
The Staff Advisory Council is sponsoring a video competition and we want YOU to show us your UMW spirit! Individuals or teams will work to create their best 30-second video or “spirit spot” to be displayed at the annual Fall Luncheon on Tuesday, October 15 at 11a.m. in the Great Hall. The audience will cheer for their favorite video and the winner(s) will get to use the President’s Box at the Anderson Center with refreshments for up to 15 guests during a UMW basketball game. The spirit spot will be displayed at the game and will air on EagleVision!
So be creative!
Have fun!
And show your UMW spirit!
To enter, please submit your video to aanthes@umw.edu by Saturday, October 12.
Anthes Serves as Panelist at Bridgewater College
Dre Anthes, Director of Graduate Admissions, was a guest at Bridgewater College’s panel on graduate admissions on September 24. She was joined by colleagues from VA Tech, JMU, and Radford. The panel discussed preparation for graduate school, selecting the right program, the application process, and current trends in graduate admissions to over 100 eager undergraduate students.