September 8, 2024

Michael Killian and Dianne Baker Present at ABLE Conference and Publish Paper

Michael Killian, senior lecturer in Biological Sciences, and Dianne Baker, associate professor of Biological Sciences, had their paper “Corralling Wiggling Worms- Collecting Data for a Multi-Week Laboratory on the Effect of  Various Treatments on the Pulsation Rate of the Dorsal Vessel of California Blackworms (Lumbriculus variegatus)” published in Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching, Proceedings of the 34th WorkShop/Conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE). This peer-reviewed paper was written in support of an invited presentation (workshop) given at the annual ABLE conference at UNC-Chapel Hill, June 21, 2012.

Dianne Baker

Dianne Baker

Michael Killian

Michael Killian