September 8, 2024

America and the Paradoxes of Palestinian-Israeli Peace, April 9

Khaled Elgindy

Khaled Elgindy

UMW’s Campus Academic Resources Committee and the Department of Political Science and International Affairs invite you to a lecture by Khaled Elgindy. His talk, titled “America and the Paradoxes of Palestinian-Israeli Peace,” will be held Wednesday, April 9 at 7 p.m. in Lee Hall, Room 411.

Khaled Elgindy is a Fellow with the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, where he specializes in Palestinian politics and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He previously served as an advisor to the Palestinian leadership in Ramallah on permanent status negotiations with Israel from 2004 to 2009, and was a key participant in the Annapolis negotiations that began in November 2007. Prior to that Elgindy spent nine years in various political and policy-related positions in Washington, D.C., both inside and outside the federal government, including as a professional staff member on the House International Relations Committee in 2002 and as a policy analyst for the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) from 2000 to 2002. He has also held positions at the Arab American Institute (1998-2000) and the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (1995-1997). Elgindy holds an M.A. in Arab Studies from Georgetown University and a B.A. in Political Science from Indiana University.

Ranjit Singh Coauthors Article

Ranjit Singh, Associate Professor of Political Science and International Affairs, coauthored with U.S. Navy Commander Youssef Aboul Enein an article titled “After Checkmate: The Use and Limits of the Chess Analogy Regarding Syria,” which appeared in the Small Wars Journal. The article examines frequent assumptions in the use of the chess analogy to describe the risks and benefits of intervention in Syria, and cultural differences in how the game is played. The article germinated from discussions that followed Dr. Singh’s formal lecture on “Political Islam and the Arab Spring,” delivered in May as part of the ongoing National Security Lecture series hosted at UMW’s Dahlgren campus.