September 11, 2024

Nina Thompson Retirement Reception, July 30, 3 p.m.

465-ninaNina Thompson, associate vice president for Stewardship and Operations, has announced her retirement from the University of Mary Washington after 14 years of outstanding service. During her time at Mary Washington, she has been instrumental in finalizing details of countless donor gifts that have led to the establishment of new endowments, largely in the area of scholarships. Additionally, she has provided dedicated service to the UMW Foundation to ensure that new fund accounts reflect donor intent, while serving as a primary liaison between the Office of Advancement and the UMW Foundation. Out of the many relationships that she stewarded with Mary Washington alumni and friends, Nina initiated the Alumni College and Alumni College on the Road programs that continue to provide new opportunities for alumni to experience the expertise of our faculty and the camaraderie of shared experiences.

A farewell reception for Nina is being held on July 30 from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Kalnen Inn at the Jepson Alumni Executive Center.  Please drop in to wish her well.

Broadcast Email Change

In response to the most recent round of budget reductions, University Advancement is undergoing some personnel changes. Lori broadcastIzykowski will be moving to Annual Giving where she will supervise the Phonathon and young alumni programs, and Betty Sizemore will move into the position of division Office Manager previously held by Lori. Betty will also bring with her some of the responsibilities of her current position.

As a result of these changes, Lori will no longer send out university broadcast messages, which now will be handled exclusively by the Office of Media and Public Relations. As most of you are aware, requests for mass emails sent to the UMW community must adhere to the University Broadcast Email Policy and must have the approval of the executive cabinet member in the requestor’s division. Please send all approved broadcast messages to This change is effective on October 27.