Another Chance to take a Health Assessment and Earn Premium Rewards
We are hosting another free onsite biometric screening on September 30 in Lee Hall, Room 412. Visit for more information.
Flexible Reimbursement Account Deadline for July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013. For more information:
#1 FAN Program: This program is to recognize outstanding service provided by fellow employees. For more information:
Keep Tuesday, October 15 open on your calendar from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. for the Employee Luncheon in the Great Hall. Please come hear about new activities on campus.
Will you be one of our lucky winners from the raffle of 34 prizes? An i-pad, theater tickets and dinner, UMW items from the bookstore, a chance to win President Hurley’s box at a basketball game, a one night stay at the Kalnen Inn, a MONTHs worth of free lunches from Sodexco, and more!
Don’t forget to wear your UMW spirit ware!
If you have questions or need accommodations please contact Jennifer Cooper at x 1046.
Employee Discounts – As a state employee, please remember you can take advantage of the discounts on this page: