September 11, 2024

Grymala Presents Four Times in Five Days

Curtiss Grymala at WordCamp Detroit 2012Curtiss Grymala, the University Webmaster, attended and presented at two conferences in the past week. He started by heading out to Detroit, MI for WordCamp Detroit on Saturday, Oct. 6, where he presented a 45-minute session explaining the WordPress Multi-Network concept used on the UMW website.

After that, he traveled to Milwaukee, WI, where he attended the national HighEdWeb conference. At HighEdWeb 2012, he presented the same WordPress Multi-Network talk on Monday, Oct. 8; he helped lead a 45-minute panel discussion on using WordPress as a Web content management system with colleagues from Maryville University and Allegheny University on Tuesday, Oct. 9; and he led a three-and-a-half hour workshop teaching attendees how to develop their own WordPress plugins on Wednesday, Oct. 10.

Over the past 12 months, Grymala has attended a total of 13 different conferences (two of which were online, or virtual, conferences). He presented at 11 of those events, and led a total of 15 separate presentations, workshops and organized discussions.