September 9, 2024

(dis)Ability @ UMW Blog

The UMW Informal Ad Hoc Committee on Disability would like to announce the official launch of its blog, (dis)Ability @ UMW.  Please take a moment to visit the site at

The blog is a space where faculty, staff and students can go both to access information about disability-related matters and to engage in conversations around disability.

To help this become a reality, please send Chris Foss, associate professor of English, any articles of interest you come across in print or online, any notices about relevant events, any links to organization homepages or individual blogs or other websites and any other resources you would like to have uploaded.  Also, consider creating a page for yourself with any pertinent about you and your personal and/or professional relationship to disability.

Finally, if you have a question you’d like help with, or you have read or watched something you’d like others to respond to, or you’d just like to share some thoughts, please consider posting to the blog’s rolling discussion forum.

If you have any questions, please contact Chris Foss at or (540) 654-1128.