July 26, 2024

Students, Faculty Collaborate on Research During Summer Science Institute

To the untrained eye it was just an ordinary leaf, a speck in a mass of summer green on an edge of the University of Mary Washington campus. But on a hot July morning, biology major Tessa Lanzafame spotted something interesting, a tiny green caterpillar that appeared to be gnawing. With a snip of her […]

UMW Students Win Math Competition

Makenzie Cowler and Riley Anderson

Makenzie Cowler, left, and Riley Anderson presented at AMA’s Undergraduate Poster Session.

UMW students Riley Anderson and Makenzie Clower, accompanied by Assistant Professor of Mathematics Jeb Collins, delivered outstanding performances at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in Baltimore earlier this month.

Anderson and Clower won the Radical Dash, a group competition that asks participants to answer math questions through social media, taking home a year subscription to the mathematics software Maple and a textbook. The students also presented at the Mathematical Association of America’s Undergraduate Students Poster Session.

“This conference is a great opportunity for students to see the wider mathematical world, to meet other students from different universities and to hear talks about research done in the field,” Collins said.