September 13, 2024

RecycleMania 2017

On Feb. 5, UMW begins its 9th season of RecycleMania, a friendly recycling competition, between U.S. and Canadian colleges and universities. RecycleMania provides a fun and friendly way to engage in waste reduction through recycling. We are not changing the recycling program!

Visit for details and a link to RecycleMania.

2017 is the year for us to regain our title as recycling the most per capita weight among Virginia colleges and universities. We held this title in 2013, 2014 and 2015, so let’s bring the bragging rights back to UMW.

COMING SOON: information on the annual Shred Event for confidential UMW documents.

Everyone can contribute to our RecycleMania success:

  1. Be a role model; inspire others by recycling.
  2. Keep an eye out in your building; do you have needed recycling bins?
  3. Make sure bins are clearly labeled. Request labels, bins or other supplies through the Facilities Services Work Management System.
  4. Request recycling bins at catered events in your department/building.
  5. REDUCE and REUSE.