Professor of Political Science Stephen Farnsworth
Stephen Farnsworth, professor of political science and director of the University’s Center for Leadership and Media Studies, recently commented on the following news stories:
Commentary: Youngkin sheds moderate image in first month (The Daily Progress)
Va. House passes ban on mask mandates in schools (WTOP)
Newbie governors with no governing experience face a steep learning curve (Virginia Mercury)
Virginia legislative session hits crucial midpoint (Courthouse News)
Halftime report (Cardinal News)
The Two Faces of Glenn Youngkin (Legacy Newspaper)
Schapiro: An aggravation lawmakers, especially Democrats, don’t need (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Poll: Youngkin’s job approval mixed; policy proposals unpopular (WTOP)
Prejudice grew in Trump supporters during his presidency, studies find (Courthouse News; Raw Story)
Spanberger leaping into new district, but won’t move family before January (Richmond Times-Dispatch)