Beginning this Monday, October 31, the University Web team — Cathy Derecki and Curtiss Grymala — will hold walk-in labs to assist people with managing and enhancing their websites in the new UMW WordPress environment. Open labs will be held at George Washington Hall, Room B010 three times per week at the following times:
- Mondays, 2:30 pm
- Thursdays, 10:30 am
- Fridays, 9:00 am
Clinics will start with a 15-minute talk on a specific topic of interest to site administrators. Our inaugural topic will be: “WordPress Tools to Publicize Events.” Registration is available and preferable, but feel free to walk-in if you need help. Click here to register >
[…] for our internal users, getting folks used to “thinking” in WordPress, documentation, training: essentially housecleaning. These things are important. I’ve learned one thing in the past 11 […]