In an effort to collect thousands of pounds of food to feed the hungry in our communities, Eagle Dining and Sodexo, Inc. are again sponsoring a campus and community-wide food drive, “Helping Hands Across America” during the month of November.
Eagle Dining will be placing collection bins in all dining locations, selling canned goods at reduced prices at lunch time during the week of November 7, sponsoring contests for campus residence halls, clubs, and athletic teams, and holding a curb-side donation drop-off on November 14.
How can you help?
1. Attend our food drive kick-off in Ball Circle on Monday, November 7 from 5pm-7pm. Meet with representatives from the Fredericksburg Area Food Bank, pick up collection boxes for your residence hall, and volunteer your time for our curbside donation event on Monday, November 14.
2. Donate non-perishable food items within their expiration dates, such as canned soups, meats, vegetables and fruit, or bags of pasta and rice.
3. Place donation boxes in your classroom, office, or other work area.
4. Volunteer one hour of time to help with our curb side donation event (12pm – 6pm on Monday, November 14).
5. Volunteer to help collect filled donation boxes. All of the food items collected will be donated to the Fredericksburg Area Food Bank and other local charities to help the hungry right here in the Fredericksburg area. Please lend a hand to help those in need! Be a part of “Helping Hands Across America”!
To volunteer or to receive more information, contact Eagle Dining at 540.654.2169 or