July 26, 2024

Weight Watchers at UMW — New Session Starts January 25

The following information is provided by Human Resources and the UMW Weight Watchers at Work group:  

A quick Google search reveals that losing weight is the number one New Year’s resolution. Get a start on that resolution and join UMW friends who have already lost over 1,000 pounds! Read this testimonial from one of our members:

“There comes a time in one’s life when you are no longer comfortable in your own skin.  I got to that point last spring.  My clothes felt tight, I had trouble sleeping and my back and joints ached.  I was reluctant at first to join Weight Watchers.  After all, I wasn’t FAT and didn’t want to eat SPECIAL FOOD.  Plus, I wasn’t sure I would fit in.  I was wrong on all counts.  Weight Watchers is flexible and easy to follow.  The on-line tools make tracking what I ate a breeze.  I loved being able to enter my favorite recipes and restaurant entrees and find out how many points they are per serving – an eye opening experience!  I lost weight by making simple modifications  to my diet.  I didn’t have to buy special food or deprive myself of the foods I love.  The work support group provided encouragement , tips, and great camaraderie.  I really liked getting to know other people on campus.  The meeting time fit easily into my lunch hour and was very convenient.  I met my goal and enjoy the group so much I plan to keep coming.  I am truly grateful for this terrific benefit.”  (Catherine)

Weight Watchers is Ranked #1 Weight-Loss Diet by U.S. News & World Report. Inaugural rankings from U.S. News & World Report put Weight Watchers in the top slot for weight-loss diets. Read more here: http://www.weightwatchers.com/util/art/index_art.aspx?tabnum=1&art_id=111661&sc=3046

The new Weight Watchers at Work session begins Wednesday, January 25. Join us and take advantage of special pricing for state employees. Check out a meeting for free; registration and information are available at these upcoming meetings:

Wednesday, January 11

Noon-12:30 p.m.

Red Room, Woodard Hall


Wednesday, January 18

Noon-12:30 p.m.

Red Room, Woodard Hall


Contact Pam Taggert (ptaggert@umw.edu) 654-1018 with any questions.