July 26, 2024

Writing Contest Winners

The 2011 Writing Contest winners were announced Wednesday, Feb. 22. They are:

Meredith Stone:
“Learning about Race”
Instructor: Dr. Cooperman

Brooke Andrews: “What Makes an Effective Infographic”
Instructor: Dr. Hydorn

Arts and Humanities:

Katie Hubbard: “Embodiment and Sexuality in the Works of Mark Z. Danielewski and Shelley Jackson: Postmodern Reactions to Posthumanism”
Instructor: Dr. Whalen

Tracy Frelk: “The Corpse Beloved: Necrophilia and a Strange Feminism in Haggard’s ‘She'”
Instructor: Dr. Mathur

Natural and Social Sciences (Sophomores and Juniors):

Gemma Cohen: “Neighborhoods and Child Development”
Instructor: Dr. L. Martin

Sara Krechel: “Harry Potter and the History of Racism”
Instructor: Dr. Cincinnati

Ethan Bottone: “Keeping a Language Alive: Inuktitut”
Instructor: Dr. Bowen

Natural and Social Sciences (Seniors):

Dana Cazan: “Is It Time to Upgrade? The Technological ‘Participation Gap’ and Fairfax County Public Schools”
Instructor: Dr. Moon

Katie Geary: “Preferences in Human Mate Selection Explained from a Social Role Perspective and an Evolutionary Perspective”
Instructor: Dr. Liss

Kelsey Coates: “Busying Giddy Minds: A Pluralist Perspective on Argentina’s Invasion of the Falklands”
Instructor: Dr. J. Davidson

Brian Brown: “Imaginative Geographics: Culture, Power, and Memory in National Memorials”
Instructor: Dr. Hanna

Cameron Carroll: They’re Coming to Get You, America: The Popularity of Zombie Films and National Fear during the Cold War and the War on Terror”
Instructor: Dr. Ferrell

Congratulations, winners! Please look for their papers in their entirety in the forthcoming publication of the 2011 Writing Contest Winners.

About Brynn Boyer

Brynn Boyer is assistant director of media and public relations and a 2010 graduate of UMW.


  1. Are these available to read? Are they posted on departmental blogs? All sound most interesting!