Crime Alert – June 26, 2012
LOCATION: City of Fredericksburg
The City of Fredericksburg has recently experienced multiple instances of property being stolen from vehicles at many locations within the city. Several of these vehicles have been in the vicinity of the University of Mary Washington, including College Avenue and Sunken Road. Two larcenies have occurred on UMW property, at the Alvey Drive parking deck. The majority of these larcenies have been a crime of opportunity, involving an unlocked vehicle. In a few instances, items of value were left where they were easily observed and the vehicle was damaged to facilitate access to the property in the vehicle.
Students, faculty and staff should be cognizant of valuables not being left in plain sight in a vehicle and should lock the doors whenever a vehicle is unattended.
For more information, contact the University of Mary Washington Police Department at 540/654-1025.
General Crime Prevention Reminders – On and Off Campus
The UMW community and guests are urged to continue good crime prevention practices to include the following:
- Lock your car doors and do not leave valuables in plain sight.
- For a suspicious noise or disturbance on campus, call 540-654-4444. Off campus, call 911.
- Be alert and aware of your surroundings while traveling on or off campus.
- Travel in well lit areas whenever possible, on or off campus.
- Do not walk alone.
Immediately report any conduct of a suspicious or unusual nature to police. The UMW Police Department may be reached 24 hours a day, every day of the year, at 540/654-1025. The UMW Police also may be reached by calling 4444 from any on-campus phone. UMW Police maintain direct radio and phone contact with the Fredericksburg Police, 24 hours a day.