From the office of Provost Jonathan Levin:
Dr. Mark J. Safferstone, executive director of the Stafford and Dahlgren campuses, will retire from the University of Mary Washington, effective June 24. During his nearly 20-year tenure, Mark has served the University in a variety of roles. He joined the Business Administration faculty in 1997 after a long career in the public and private sectors. The next year, he was appointed Associate Dean in what was then the Center for Graduate and Professional Studies.
Mark was instrumental in development of the Dahlgren campus. He has also played a key role in developing and supporting the Leadership UMW program, which recently graduated its second class. In retirement, Mark is looking forward to spending more time with his wife, Sharon, and his children and his adorable grandchildren.
Please be sure to share your best wishes with Mark as he delves into the next chapter of his life.
Congratulations Mark.