September 7, 2024

October is Disability Awareness Month

A message from the Office of Disability Resources. 

The Office of Disability Resources (ODR) invites you to celebrate Disability Awareness month throughout the month of October to raise awareness and understanding of disability-related issues and how WE can support! Disability Awareness Events Flyer

There is a variety of programming and events offered throughout the month and all students, faculty, and staff are welcome to attend! Some events are geared more towards students, but we welcome all who would like to take advantage of these opportunities to raise awareness and understanding of disability-related issues and supports.

Events will kick off with a Disability Awareness Month Dinner with President Paino on October 7th. Students have been selected by random drawing to attend, and we look forward to this memorable evening of conversation and elegant dining, as well as an opportunity for students with disabilities to share their experiences with President Paino.

Breakfast Bars on Ball is an casual opportunity for all to stop by our table on Campus Walk (in front of Lee Hall), grab a breakfast treat, and connect with the ODR staff to learn more about disability-related issues. Please come by and see us! We will be at the table giving out bars to all from 9:00am to 10:30am.

A Disability Awareness Table Fair will be held on Campus Walk (in front of Lee Hall) on October 16th from 11:00am to 2:00pm. A number of on- and off-campus providers will be available to share resources and information on supports in our community for individuals with disabilities. Come by to hang out with us, and get some free swag!

The Let’s Talk Event will be held on October 16th from 7:00pm – 8:00pm in Lee Hall, Room 414. This event is an opportunity for survivors with disabilities and allies to discuss a problem flying under the radar – that individuals with disabilities are disproportionately affected when it comes to experiences of sexual or intimate partner violence, when compared to those without disabilities. Please join ODR, the Talley Center for Counseling Services, and the Center for Prevention and Education, for a student-led discussion about risk factors and prevention followed by a confidential discussion group for survivors and allies.

The international honor society for students with disabilities, Delta Alpha Pi, will hold its first Induction Ceremony at UMW on October 22nd. This will be an opportunity to recognize high academic achievements of students with disabilities. Students who meet eligibility criteria have been notified and are encouraged to RSVP to be a part of the Zeta Mu chapter here at UMW!

Disability Awareness month programming wraps up with the Fall Social, held on October 30th from 6:00pm – 7:30pm in the University Center, Colonnade Room (room 314). This is an opportunity for all, and especially students with disabilities, to have some fun and celebrate this time of year with others in the community.

Accessible electronic flyers are also attached that provide information on these events.

We hope to have your support in celebrating disability as diversity and in bringing disability awareness to our campus!

Please contact ODR with questions: (540) 654-1266, or in person in Lee Hall, suite 401.

We look forward to seeing you there!

ODR Staff