During her time at UMW, Emily Rothstein ’18, studied abroad on a faculty-led trip to Guatemala and made two trips to Nepal, where she completed academic research and engaged in service projects. Photo courtesy of Emily Rothstein.
Emily Rothstein ’18 chose the University of Mary Washington for its study abroad opportunities. When she wasn’t trotting across Campus Walk – sometimes on horseback as a UMW equestrian – she was trekking across countries and continents. The voyages this globetrotter made as a student have led her to an international nonprofit job and now graduate school overseas.
Though Rothstein hails from Maryland, the self-described “Army brat” spent much of her childhood in Germany, traveling everywhere from Ireland and Turkey, to Belize and Costa Rica. But it wasn’t until she got to Mary Washington that she felt truly at home. Read more.
In celebration of International Education Week 2019, Nov. 18 to 22, UMW shares stories of students who have studied abroad. One in three Mary Washington students volunteers, interns, conducts research, or joins a faculty-led trip or other UMW-approved experience outside the United States, according to Center for International Education (CIE) Director Jose Sainz. Visit CIE or call (540) 654-1434 for more information.