Are you wondering how the COVID-19 crisis intersects with climate change? Do you want to learn how your vote will count on counteracting the worst effects of both crises? And lastly, do you want to be a part of making systemic changes in our different levels of government, ranging from locally to nationally?
If your answer is “YES!” to any or all of these questions, I invite you to attend the upcoming “COVID-19, Voting and Climate Change: Becoming Agents of Change.” Held virtually via Zoom, this presentation is inspired by the Climate Reality Project’s 24 Hours of Reality: Countdown to the Future on Sunday, October 11th at 2 p.m. ET. Representatives from the University of Mary Washington, the Virginia League of Conservation Voters, Fossil Free Fredericksburg and the Climate Reality Project will share information regarding each topic, helping you identify ways you can help implement systemic changes in policy for our city, state, and nation. Each person attending the session will have a tree planted in their honor by the Climate Reality Project. Sign up now and get involved!