Professor of History Susan Fernsebner will appear on an upcoming episode of With Good Reason entitled “Gift Wrapped America,” premiering on Dec. 11 and running through Dec. 18. Dr. Fernsebner, whose expertise focuses on modern Chinese history, will discuss her research on toys, childhood and Chinese identity with host Sarah McConnell.
Summary: These days almost all toys are Made in China. But that wasn’t always the case. Susan Fernsebner (University of Mary Washington) says that most Chinese toys were made in America. So the Chinese government incentivized creating toys that reflected its own national identity.
Experts from Virginia Commonwealth University, Old Dominion University and Virginia Tech will also be featured.
The show airs Sundays at 2 p.m. on Fredericksburg’s Radio IQ 88.3 Digital and at various times throughout the week on stations across Virginia and the United States. Check the website for show times.
Cool! I look forward to hearing your comments!