From UMW Academic Affairs and Student Affairs:
Dear UMW Community:
Please mark your calendars for a campus celebration of the life of Dr. Gwen Hale, Director of the UMW Writing Center from 2011 until her death from cancer in October 2021. The celebration will take place on Wednesday April 6 starting at 4:00 p.m. in the University Center’s Chandler Ballroom.
Many of us at Mary Washington deeply admired Dr. Hale for her generous and empathetic spirit. In addition to teaching and mentoring dozens of students, she helped launch UMW’s First in Family initiative and the Eagle Resource Closet. Dr. Hale also won Student Activities and Engagement’s Giving Tree Award for a faculty or staff member who demonstrates tremendous care and support for students.
The celebration is open to anyone wishing to celebrate Dr. Hale’s significant imprint on our university. If you have any questions about the celebration, please email Dr. Wes Hillyard at If you have any photographs or other mementos of Dr. Hale that might be included in the celebration, please share them with Heather Guhl, Academic Support Centers Manager, by March 24..