While work is still continuing on Westmoreland Lawn and behind Jefferson Hall, please note that construction activity on the Underground Utility project will begin to pick up after Reunion Weekend and is expected to continue until mid-August.
Campus Walk – Starting the week of June 6, work will begin on the waterline along Campus Walk beginning in front of George Washington and continuing to Lee Hall. This work is expected to run through summer until August 15. In addition, a section of steam line work will be crossing from Westmoreland Lawn across Campus Walk and terminating in the lawn in front of Mason and Randolph Halls. While a portion of Campus Walk will be open to pedestrian traffic during the waterline work, the steam line crossing will necessitate a temporary closure during its excavation. Steel plates will be provided for this crossing to allow emergency vehicle access afterhours. All work will be coordinated with Campus Police and Emergency Management & Safety.
Jefferson Square – Waterline work will continue from behind Jefferson Hall around its west side and finish in Jefferson Square. This work will also begin the week of June 6.
Westmoreland Lawn – Steam piping work will continue to connect steam lines between Ball Hall to Westmoreland and George Washington Halls.
Ball Circle – Final steam piping runs and connections will need to be made near Virginia Hall and the front of Ball Circle as well this summer.
It is crucial that all of these projects begin on time and are implemented prior to the return of students for the fall semester so your cooperation and patience are truly appreciated. Should you have any questions, please contact Jay Sullivan at (540) 379-3422 or dsulliva@umw.edu.