Updated: August 11
Campus Walk has now reopened from the north end to James Farmer Hall. The detour at GW Hall will remain in place for a couple more weeks as steam pipe work is completed in this area.
GW Hall and Randolph and Mason Halls remain accessible from Double Drive. Please use the south entrance of GW Hall. Please follow the detour on the sidewalk at Randolph and Mason Halls as Campus Walk is restored in this area.
The sections of Campus Walk where waterline work took place are refilled and topped with compact stone dust until the brick pavers can be replaced. These sections are open, but may have temporary closures as the masonry work is finished. The pathway between the Cedric Rucker University Center and Virginia Hall is now open as well.
Thank you for your patience and allowing extra time to traverse campus this summer. Should you have any questions, please contact Freda Rosso, Assistant Director for Capital Outlay, at frosso@umw.edu.
From August 2:
Campus Walk is currently closed between the Bell Tower and James Farmer Hall as construction crews connect new waterlines.
GW Hall and Randolph and Mason halls remain accessible from Double Drive. Please use the south entrance of GW Hall. Please follow the detour on the sidewalk at Randolph and Mason halls. James Farmer Hall can be accessed from the east side, via the pathways at the Amphitheatre.
Lee Hall is accessible from the north side of the building, via the Sunken Road entrance or from Cedric Rucker University Center and Virginia Hall pathways.
If you travel across campus from Lee Hall south or need to reach areas of campus from the Bell Tower, please do so via the sidewalk on College Avenue and enter through the Cedric Rucker University Center. The new sidewalk on Ball Circle at the Cedric Rucker University Center remains available, and we recommend using College Avenue to avoid the construction area as we make these critical connections in the waterlines.
Please see a diagram indicating the accessible path via College Avenue and the available detour (closed to thru traffic) at Mason and Randolph Halls. For a full map of accessible pathways on campus, please visit the Maps and Directions webpage.
We anticipate this section of Campus Walk opening again the week of Aug. 7. Thank you for your flexibility and patience.
Should you have any questions, please contact Assistant Director for Capital Outlay Freda Rosso at frosso@umw.edu.