Professor Emerita of Political Science and International Affairs Elizabeth Larus
Professor Emerita of Political Science and International Affairs Elizabeth Freund Larus, who also is an adjunct fellow at Pacific Forum, commented July 27 to German broadcaster Deutsche Welle on Taiwan’s 2023 Han Kuang military exercise and Wan An drills. Professor Larus indicated that this year’s exercise included air raid drills in which residents were directed to shelters. Despite these attempts at readiness, Taiwan is still unprepared for a military attack from China. Professor Larus also indicated that Chinese fighter jets now regularly cross the unofficial median line in the Taiwan Strait in an attempt to influence the Taiwan 2024 presidential election campaign, which is currently in full swing on the island. Professor Larus’ comments begin at 3 minutes into the program.
Other recent news mentions for Larus include:
Larus Comments on Arabic News on Secretary Yellen’s Visit to Beijing (Asharq Arabic News)
Elizabeth Freund Larus, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science and International Affairs and Adjunct Fellow at the Pacific Forum, commented to Asharq Arabic news that US business is putting tremendous pressure on the Biden administration to improve relations with China. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is seen as the Cabinet member most favorably disposed to China. Despite her efforts, however, a trade war, tit-for-tat sanctions, investigation of foreign due diligence firms in China, civil-military fusion, and Biden’s reference to Xi Jinping as a dictator, mean that most US businesses will continue to face headwinds in China. Watch the segment.
Larus Discusses Taiwan with German Scholars
Elizabeth Freund Larus, Ph.D., Professor Emerita of Political Science and International Affairs and Adjunct Fellow at Pacific Forum, discussed scenarios for the 2024 Taiwan presidential election at an invitation only roundtable in Munich, Germany on June 15, 2023. Professor Larus and the scholars agreed that the results of the elections, regardless of outcome, will significantly affect US-China relations.