On Friday, September 1, the Jefferson Square parking lot will be closed from 2:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. for the Campus Programming Board (CPB) First Friday Event. Barricades to the Jefferson Square entrance will be in place by 2:00 p.m. on Friday, by which time all vehicles must be moved from the lot.
Parking for faculty and staff will remain available in all other designated faculty and staff lots.
As a reminder:
- Accessible parking spaces are available in all open lots to any vehicles with DMV-issued accessible placards or license plates.
- The UMW Police Department provides escorts when needed and may be reached at ext. 1025. Please visit the Safety Escort webpage for more information.
For a calendar view of lot reservations visit the Parking Lot Reservations Calendar webpage.
Please contact Maie Makin in Parking Management with any parking related questions: mmakin2@umw.edu, 540/654-1129.