September 7, 2024

Farnsworth Publishes Book on Political Humor

Professor of Political Science Stephen Farnsworth

Stephen Farnsworth, professor of Political Science and director of the University’s Center for Leadership and Media Studies, is coauthor of a new book, Late-Night in Washington: Political Humor and the American Presidency, recently published by Routledge. This project is Professor Farnsworth’s eighth published book on U.S. politics.


Why is the 2023 Virginia general election important? Here’s what’s at stake. (The Washington Post)

Stephen Farnsworth, a professor of political science at the University of Mary Washington, told ABC News that by not entirely closing the door on joining the 2024 race, Youngkin has been able to get national media buzz and high-profile donors to care about Virginia’s relatively smaller scale elections. “Youngkin has played this scenario very well,” Farnsworth said. “It’s better to be talked about than not.” 


Abortion and Taxes Are Key Issues Driving the Fight for Legislative Control (

“If a Democrat isn’t talking about abortion, he or she is committing political malpractice,” says Stephen Farnsworth, a political scientist at the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, Va. “It’s proven to be a winner in many places.”


Voters in Virginia cast ballots in pivotal state election (WTOP)

“If Republicans control both chambers of the legislature and the governor’s office, you can expect significant restrictions on abortion in Virginia,” Stephen Farnsworth, a political-science professor at the University of Mary Washington, told WTOP last month.



Control of Virginia’s state Legislature is on the ballot Tuesday (CBS News)

“The key question that will come out of Virginia’s legislative elections is, can Republicans limit the political damage on abortion, by talking about a 15-week ban instead of being pro-life?” said Stephen Farnsworth, a political science professor at the University of Mary Washington.


Election Night Sweep Gives Democrats Control Of Virginia General Assembly (DCist)

“Once upon a time, Virginia had moderate Republicans and moderate Democrats. It told the extremists which way it was going to be,” Farnsworth says. “But now, increasingly, the Republicans and the Democrats both are more cohesive caucuses and an environment where more extreme politicians are able to do better than they have done.”

Read more.


Democrats take back the House, keep majority in the state Senate (Cardinal News)

“This outcome can be explained in three words: Roe vs. Wade,” said Stephen Farnsworth, a political scientist at the University of Mary Washington.


Abortion Rights Ratified by Tuesday’s Election Results (Governing)

“Republicans really suffered in those suburban districts where abortion is an important issue,” says Stephen Farnsworth, a political scientist at the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, Va.


Abortion issue takes center stage in Victoria’s general election (World Journal)

Stephen Farnsworth, a professor of political science at the University of Mary Washington, said that if the Republican Party further gains control of the state Senate this year, Virginia will be fully controlled by the Republican Party. It is foreseeable that Virginia will inevitably pass strict abortion ban.


Suetterlein defeats White-Boyd in newly created Senate District 4 (Cardinal News)

Stephen Farnsworth, a political analyst at the University of Mary Washington, said that Suetterlein’s victory is an example of how incumbency is a huge advantage.


Why is the 2023 Virginia general election important? Here’s what’s at stake. (MSN)

There is also the possibility that Richmond will be gridlocked over the next two years if control of the General Assembly remains divided, said Stephen J. Farnsworth, a political science professor at the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg.

What are some key issues to consider on voters’ minds this election cycle? (The Free Lance-Star)

University of Mary Washington professor Stephen Farnsworth talks about key issues in Virginia’s 2023 election, touching on early voting, polls, and preparing for Election Day.


Election 2023: What to Look for (WRVA)

Virginia Political Experts Roberts Roberts (James Madison University) and Stephen Farnsworth (University of Mary Washington) believe control of the General Assembly will be determined in the outer suburbs.


Professor discusses Trump’s fraud trial (CP24)

“Well, this is a pretty troubling prospect. You have a leading candidate in the polls who is facing something like 90 charges,” said Stephen Farnsworth.


Education a key issue in election (The Free Lance-Star)

University of Mary Washington professor Stephen Farnsworth talks about the issue of education in Virginia’s 2023 election.


Ready to vote (The Free Lance-Star)

University of Mary Washington professor Stephen Farnsworth discusses Election Day preparation.


What Impact Do You Expect Local Issues to Have this Election Cycle? (The Free Lance-Star)

Change coming for express lanes direction reversal schedule (The Free Lane-Star)

University of Mary Washington professor Stephen Farnsworth talks about local issues in Virginia’s 2023 election


How Much Will Voters Be Considering Local Crime at the Poles? (The Free Lance-Star)

University of Mary Washington professor Stephen Farnsworth talks about how crime concerns motivate voters.


Looking at Early Voting, is that Favoring a Particular Party? (The Free Lance-Star)

University of Mary Washington professor Stephen Farnsworth talks about early voting in Virginia’s 2023 election.


How Big of a Role with Abortion Play in General Assembly and Local Races? (The Free Lance-Star)

University of Mary Washington professor Stephen Farnsworth talks about a key issue in Virginia’s 2023 election campaigns.


Republicans test-drive post-Roe push for abortion limits in Virginia elections (The Washington Times)

“This year’s elections in Virginia are particularly important because it is the first opportunity to see whether Republicans have an effective message with the 15-week abortion ban proposal,” said Stephen Farnsworth, director of the Center for Leadership and Media Studies at the University of Mary Washington. “Republicans have been suffering politically ever since the Supreme Court revised Roe v. Wade, and Republicans in Virginia have largely campaigned on the 15-week ban as an alternative to being fully pro-life.


How the Virginia election may shake up gun laws (WTOP)

“You really don’t see the opportunity for much of a middle-ground compromise on guns,” said Stephen Farnsworth, a political-science professor at the University of Mary Washington. “Increasingly, the two political parties in Virginia really talk past each other,” Farnsworth said.


Republicans May Have Found a Winning Election Strategy (Newsweek)

“The governor’s efforts to get more Republicans to vote early seems to be narrowing the traditional gap favoring Democrats,” Stephen Farnsworth, professor of political science at the University of Mary Washington, told Newsweek.


4 Virginia legislative candidates, including ex-congressman, are accused of violence against women (Fox 59; Vigour Times; The Seattle Times; WSET)

Stephen Farnsworth, a political science professor at the University of Mary Washington, said partisan politics may have overtaken character concerns in the fury of the current political moment. “During the age of Trump, it does seem like a great deal of misconduct is tolerable if the person who is accused of that misconduct is on your partisan team,” Farnsworth said.


How the Virginia election may shake up gun laws (WTOP)

“You really don’t see the opportunity for much of a middle-ground compromise on guns,” said Stephen Farnsworth, a political-science professor at the University of Mary Washington.


North Carolina and the nation will have a lot to learn from Virginia’s election | Opinion (Yahoo News)

Stephen Farnsworth, a professor of political science at the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, Va., said Virginia’s results will offer a guide nationally on how to tap or defuse anger over new abortion restrictions.


4 Virginia legislative candidates, including ex-congressman, are accused of violence against women (The Washington Post)

Stephen Farnsworth, a political science professor at the University of Mary Washington, said partisan politics may have overtaken character concerns in the fury of the current political moment.


Virginia’s Election Could Decide Fate of Youngkin’s Education Agenda (The 74)

Stephen Farnsworth, a political scientist at the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, Va., said public polling revealed a Virginia electorate that is generally contented with the state of public schools.


Here’s what you need to know about the upcoming elections in Virginia (WUSA 9)

“When you think about the abortion issue, it’s clear that this has been a very motivating force particularly for Democrats in the wake of the reversal of Roe versus Wade,” said Stephen Farnsworth.


Trump Jr. to Testify at Fraud Trial (CTV News)

“The two eldest sons of the former president, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump are both in the litigation here, ” said Stephen Farnsworth.


Did Republican Glenn Youngkin Just Torpedo His Own Election Strategy? (Newsweek)

Stephen Farnsworth, a professor of political science at the University of Mary Washington, told Newsweek that Youngkin’s errors are unlikely to deter the governor’s concerted effort to encourage early Republican voting.


Henrico, Petersburg races draw millions in cash, underscoring high stakes (Richmond Times-Dispatch)

“There is a huge amount of money and in-kind contributions being donated to shape the outcome of this year’s elections,” said Stephen Farnsworth, a political scientist at the University of Mary Washington, speaking broadly of the October contributions. “The stakes are doubly high as whichever party prevails will use the Virginia elections as the national template for next year,” Farnsworth said.


A heated battle in Virginia’s largest school district tests the strength of ‘parent rights’ activism (NBC News)

In Virginia, a survey conducted in September by the University of Mary Washington’s Center for Leadership and Media Studies found that while nearly two-thirds of voters said education was going to factor into their choices on the Nov. 7 ballot, most described their own local schools either positively or neutrally.


‘There is no ban’: Republicans test-drive new abortion messaging (; The Guardian)

“Both parties will claim, if they win, that, as goes Virginia, so goes the rest of the country. But what you really get, I think, is the testing of the messaging in Virginia,” said Stephen Farnsworth, director of the Center for Leadership and Media Studies at University of Mary Washington in Virginia. “It’s clear that Republicans have struggled to talk about abortion since the supreme court decision, and this will be the latest test of Republican anti-abortion messaging.”


Virginia Legislative Elections Put Abortion on the Ballot (U.S. News and World Report)

“Any Democrat not talking about abortion a lot is committing political malpractice,” says Stephen Farnsworth, a political science professor at the University of Mary Washington. “Everywhere you look, Democrats have been able to benefit from the backlash against the Dobbs decision.”


Battle for Control of Virginia Legislature May Hinge on a State Senate Race With Independent Streak (U.S. News and World Report; The Seattle Times; MSN)

Stephen Farnsworth, a political science professor at the University of Mary Washington who moderated a debate between the candidates, said Gary’s presence on the ballot makes the race hard to predict. “She is a far more credible candidate than independent candidates typically are,” he said.


In Virginia politics, the pros dig in deeper — and it’s big business (The Daily Progress)

“Virginia is really the land of no-limits money, and with elections every year, you can really stay on the gravy train,” said Stephen Farnsworth, a political scientist at the University of Mary Washington.—and-its-big-business/article_ee261a06-556a-5419-891f-e1cabd8aa7a8.html


Campaign signs paid for with undisclosed contributions point to challenge with enforcing campaign finance laws (Cardinal News)

“Enforcement after an election is as bad as no enforcement at all,” said Stephen Farnsworth, a political science professor at the University of Mary Washington.

It’s problematic when groups that no one has ever heard of and that haven’t filed any finance reports are spending money, Farnsworth said.


Will three weeks of chaos in Congress affect Virginia’s legislative elections? (Richmond Times-Dispatch)

Stephen Farnsworth, director of the Center for Leadership and Media Studies at the University of Mary Washington, in Fredericksburg, said that even with Johnson’s election, “the threat of further dysfunction hangs over this Republican caucus for the rest of their days.” The Fredericksburg area is in the middle of two battleground Senate and House districts.


Pro-choice, pro-life advocates weigh new abortion data report, showing increases in Virginia: By the numbers (13 News Now WVEC)

A recent poll by the University of Mary Washington found that abortion is a “major factor” for 53% of Virginia voters; when included as a “minor factor” it makes up roughly three out of every four Virginians.