September 11, 2024

Recovery Ally Training, March 18

Eagles in Recovery is proud to be hosting a Recovery Ally training on Monday, March 18, from 2 to 4 p.m. Recovery Ally Trainings provide you with information and skills to assist you in being an ally to people in recovery with a substance use disorder. This training is free and open to all students, faculty, staff, and the public. We’d love to have you join us!

Co-facilitator: Raymond Tuttle, PhD, has worked in the Division of Student Affairs at UMW since 1996, first in Residence Life then in Student Conduct and now Promotions and Student Success Specialist. He is a recovery ally who has had family members who had substance use disorders that unfortunately remained unaddressed during their lifetimes. Dr. Tuttle has been the co-chair or chair of Eagles in Recovery since 2019.

Co-facilitator: Jiamie Pyles has been the Certified Peer Recovery Support Specialist and program coordinator for Eagles in Recovery since 2021. Having recently graduated from UMW with a major in psychology and a minor in social justice she is currently pursuing a masters degree in social policy at Virginia Commonwealth University. She is also a person in recovery who is celebrating over 7.5 years of continued sobriety.