September 9, 2024

Action Requested: Telework Agreement Review

Dear Colleagues,

It is time again to review existing telework agreements and make any needed changes.  Any employee (other than teaching faculty) who engages in any amount of telework must have a telework agreement in place.  In an effort to reduce the amount of time it takes to complete and return new telework agreements, UMW has decided to roll existing telework agreements into the new fiscal year as long as no changes have been made. Supervisors should review all existing telework agreements and do the following:

  • If the approved number of telework days has not changed from the previous agreement, supervisors should complete and sign the Telework Confirmation Form and return it to HR.
  • If there is a change to the number of approved telework days, a new telework agreement must be submitted, per the guidelines below.

New telework agreements must be approved by supervisors and turned in to HR before teleworking may begin.

For Classified employees, UMW has the authority to approve telework for one day per week; state level approval is required for telework schedules of two or more days per week. A fillable version of the state’s standard agreement is attached below – please use this version of the form (rather than the version on DHRM’s website or any others that may come from the Commonwealth). Please see below for next steps.

Action Items for New or Updated Agreements:

·         Classified Employees: Complete the new Classified Telework Agreement and name it based on the following: LastNameUMW1 or LastNameUMW2 or LastNameUMW3 – the numbers represent the number of telework days per week (use 3 for three or more days per week). Typing your name in the signature box on the form sufficiently documents your signature.

·         AP Faculty or Wage Employees: Complete the Non-Classified Telework Agreement form and sign it.

·         Email your completed form to the following simultaneously:

o    Your supervisor;

o    Your Cabinet Vice President;

o    Human Resources at Agreements for 2 or more telework days per week will be forwarded to the Secretary of Education’s office.

*If you do not know your employee ID, please contact Deborah Burton in HR (

·         Supervisors and Cabinet: notify all parties immediately if a telework agreement is not approved or needs modification.

Please also visit the Telework Policy and Procedure webpage for helpful information and resources about telework and flexible work schedules.

Beth Williams
Executive Director for Human Resources
540 654-1294