May 2, 2024

Larus Comments on Vietnam TV on Democratic National Convention

Image of Elizabeth Larus on Vietnam TV

Elizabeth Freund Larus, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Political Science and International Affairs, on August 22 offered comments to the Vietnam News Agency on the 2020 Democratic National Convention. Professor Larus indicated that comments by convention speakers reflect the fact that this year’s presidential election is not about electing former U.S. VP Biden president but is an opportunity to end Trump’s presidency. Rather than focus on a Biden-Harris ticket agenda, convention speakers attacked both Trump’s personality and his policies. Dr. Larus indicated that most of the politically active speakers at the convention identify with the political left, and that the convention wanted to send the message that the party is moving to the political left even if Biden is a political moderate. Professor Larus pointed out that the Democratic Party needs to inspire voters on the political left to come out to vote if Biden has a chance of winning. He needs to compel political independents and people who voted for Trump as a rejection of Hillary Clinton to vote for his ticket.

Professor Larus’s comments, in Vietnamese, begin at 5:43 minutes into the program at