TO: All faculty, staff and students
RE: Range of Potential Tuition and Fee Increases for 2025-26
At the time of this public notice, a state budget for the 2025-26 fiscal year has not yet been adopted. State budget actions are a key factor in the setting of tuition and fee rates.
For planning purposes, the University of Mary Washington (UMW) is considering for 2025-26 a potential increase in tuition between 0% and 4% and in comprehensive auxiliary fees between 0 and 5%.
Revenue from a tuition and fee increase in 2025-26 would support additional funding required from UMW for state-mandated compensation actions for faculty and staff; increases in the minimum wage and state fringe benefit rate changes; inflationary cost increases impacting the cost of goods, materials and services; and state administrative system charge increases that are passed on to UMW.
As currently scheduled, UMW’s Board of Visitors will vote on the 2025-26 tuition and fee rates at its meeting on April 11, 2025.
The Board of Visitors will hold a public comment period at 3 p.m. on Thursday, February 20, 2025, at the Jepson Alumni Executive Center Rappahannock Ballroom. This will be a time for members of the public, as well as members of the University community, to share their thoughts with Board members. To sign up for a three-minute slot, go to Public Comments – Board of Visitors (