Allyson M. Poska, professor of history, has won the 2016 best book prize from the Society for the Study of Early Modern Women for her Gendered Crossings: Women and Migration in the Spanish Empire.
Poska Wins Book Prize
Talk to focus on Spanish women traversing Atlantic in 18th century (Grand Valley Lanthorn)
Poska Publishes New Book
Allyson Poska, professor of history and program chair of Women’s and Gender Studies, has published a new book, Gendered Crossings: Women and Migration in the Spanish Empire (University of New Mexico Press, 2016). A preview of the book can be found here.
Study: Crew that Sailed with Columbus Suffered Scurvy (USA Today)
Poska to Present Lansdowne Lecture
Allyson M. Poska, professor of history and program chair of women’s and gender studies, will give a presentation for the annual Lansdowne Lectures at the University of Victoria on Thursday, Jan. 30. The lecture, History, the Humanities, and the Promise of Possibilities, discusses the humanities as the foundation of intellectual innovation.