September 13, 2024

Deborah O’Dell Featured on Upcoming With Good Reason

An interview with Associate Professor of Biology Deborah O’Dell will be featured on With Good Reason from Aug. 18 through Aug. 24.

The program is broadcast at 2 p.m. on Sundays on Radio IQ 88.3 Digital in Fredericksburg. You can find other broadcast times at:

O’Dell will talk about her recent study that found cell phone radiation can cause changes to our cells in a program called Do Cell Phones Call Cancer?

The program will also feature Karen Ballen of University of Virginia Health Systems who says that for those diagnosed with blood cancer, the future is bright.

Later in the show, Richard Heller of Old Dominion University, will talk about new electro-magnetic treatments that are fighting deadly melanoma.

Plus, there’s a whole field of cancer research devoted just to developing treatments for the treatments — medications that can help ease the punch of chemotherapy side effects.Kimberly Lane of Radford University and her team are researching ways to ease the side effects of a potent chemotherapy drug used against with colon cancer.

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Audio files of the full program and its companion news feature will be posted the week of the show to the website: