Women’s History Month is March 2011!
Members of the 2011 Women’s History Month committee invite you to join us in planning for this year’s program.Following are ways you can contribute:
(1) Submit your event proposal. The planning committee welcomes all proposals from students, staff, and faculty members. We are especially seeking events explicitly related to our 2011 theme, “Role” Call: Women’s Presence and Power in Society. Proposal forms can be found at http://www.umw.edu/multicultural/celebrations/womens_history_month.php. Please send your completed form by November 29th to LaNita Weisenberger, either via e-mail (lweisenb@umw.edu) or via the James Farmer Multicultural Center (Lee Hall, Room 211).
(2) Offer your “Open Class.” For faculty especially, if you have a lecture, class discussion or other event planned for one of your spring courses that you would like included as part of Women’s History Month, please let us know.
- If you hope to offer an open class, but haven’t finalized your syllabi yet, don’t worry–there is plenty of time. A special call for OPEN CLASSES will go out later in the semester, and we will accept submissions as late as the week before classes begin in January. All WHM open classes will be announced via the JFMC website.
- If you have an open class in mind that relates explicitly to our 2011 theme, we encourage you to submit it for inclusion on the WHM printed calendar–the November 29 deadline applies.
Questions? Please contact LaNita Weisenberger,Co-chair (lweisenb@umw.edu or 654-1664) or Melody Ain, Student Co-chair main@mail.umw.edu
We look forward to hearing from you!