September 10, 2024

Join Us for a Virtual Shabbat Service and Happy Hour

All alumni are invited to join the Jewish Alumni Affinity Group for Shabbat service and happy hour!

People of all faiths are invited to join us for a virtual Shabbat service and happy hour on the Jewish holiday of Shavuot.

We will have the Shabbat service at 6:00 p.m., followed by a happy hour where we we can meet and chat with each other. This event will occur on the holiday Shavuot, celebrating the Torah being given to the Jews on Mount Sinai. One of the themes of Shavuot is “milk and honey,” with the associated tradition of eating dairy products like cheese blintzes or cheesecake. If you have a knack for baking, feel free to bake a tasty dessert and show it off to everyone!

Friday, May 29
6:00-8:00 p.m.

As always, people of all faiths and religions are invited to join; feel free to share this event with other alumni! If you are not already receiving communications re: the Jewish Alumni Affinity Group, and would like to, opt in here.

Register here. On the day before the event, you will receive the link to the Zoom meeting. We hope to see you online!