September 9, 2024

Orozco Chairs Peninsular Literature Panel at SAMLA 95

Lecturer of Spanish Patricia Orozco

Lecturer of Spanish Patricia Orozco

On Nov. 11, 2023, Patricia Orozco, Senior Lecturer in Modern Languages and Literatures, chaired the multi-session panel Spanish II Peninsular Literature: from 1700 to the Present at the 95 South Atlantic Modern Language Association Conference, this year titled (In)Security: The Future and Language Studies, celebrated in Atlanta, Georgia. On this occasion, the panel consisted of three sessions. This was an elected position for which Dr. Orozco was chosen among scholars from the South Atlantic area.

Orozco Presents Paper on Galdós and Newspaper Political Articles

Lecturer of Spanish Patricia Orozco Watrel

Lecturer of Spanish Patricia Orozco

Patricia Orozco, Lecturer of Spanish, contributed a paper, “Galdós y artículos de prensa: visiones de ultramar en el libro IV “Política española” as part of the Peninsular Spanish II (1700 to Present) Quadruple Session of the 2022 SAMLA Convention last November. The conference was to take place in Jacksonville, Florida, but had to switch to a virtual conference as Tropical Storm Nicole was forecasted to hit just before November 11. The articles in reference originally appeared in La Prensa, a newspaper from Buenos, Aires, Argentina, between 1883 and 1894. Her work centered on three articles dealing with overseas issues to later make connections to his novels of modernity. Among others, she points out to two issues that are still relevant today: territorial questions about La Isla del Perejil and US politics dealing with Latin America. By studying these overseas matters, Orozco noted how the author’s understanding is later reflected in some of his emblematic characters e.g., Lucrecia Richmond in El Abuelo or Cintia-Pascuala in El caballero encantado. These topics led to a discussion of how his critical eye focused on current events to create fictional worlds with pedagogical interest in mind.