July 26, 2024

Stafford Library’s Welcome Back Table, Aug. 24-27

To kick off the new semester and celebrate the Stafford Campus’ 16th year as part of UMW, the Stafford Campus Library will have a “welcome back” table set-up for students in the North building atrium from Monday, Aug. 24 through Thursday, Aug., 27 from 4:45 p.m. to 6 p.m. New and returning students are encouraged to grab a pre-class snack, say “hi,” and ask your friendly campus librarians a question!

Stafford Library – Green Screen Room

A green screen room is now available at the Stafford Campus.  This secure space has 4 iMacs and allows students to create videos using a green screen.  This space is also available for presentation practice and group study.  Room reservations are available at: http://libcal.umw.edu/booking/stafford.

Questions can be directed to stafflib@umw.edu.

Stafford Library – Services for Local Teachers

The Stafford Library has expanded its resources and extended its services to local Virginia educators. A library borrower’s card is now available for teachers at the reduced price of $25 and Virginia educators are welcome to use the materials in the Stafford Library’s new education curriculum collection.

Questions and comments can be directed to Paul Boger, Stafford Campus Library Manager, at pboger@umw.edu or 540-286-8066.

Stafford Library News

News Hours:

The Stafford Campus Library will be opening at 11:30 a.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays throughout the fall semester in an effort to better serve the research needs of students taking daytime classes at the Stafford campus.

If you are teaching classes at Stafford this semester, please inform your students of this change.  Questions and comments can be directed to Paul Boger, Stafford Campus Library Manager, at pboger@umw.edu or 540-286-8066.

New Curriculum Materials:

The Stafford Campus Library now offers a new and growing collection of curriculum materials for students and faculty in the College of Education. Some of the materials currently available include educational games, manipulatives, Praxis study guides, video cameras, and educational software such as Kidspiration, Inspiration, Boardmaker, and Comic Life. If you have questions about these items, please contact the Stafford Library at stafflib@umw.edu or 540-286-8025.