Janusz Konieczny, professor of mathematics, published a research article, Second centralizers in the semigroup of injective transformations, in the Asian-European Journal of Mathematics. This research has been supported by a a 2017–18 University of Mary Washington Faculty Research Grant.
I was a Studio Art major in the BLS program and needed to take a math class. My husband always says if an autopsy is done after I die, they will find two right brains and no left!! I hated math!!! I was in Professor Konieczny’s first class at MWC which he taught in the summer (1992 or 1993), not sure. I must say, that by the end of the class, I found I was beginning to LIKE MATH!!!!! This is because of the way Professor Konieczny presented math to us and actually made it fun!! I have even taken some math classes at Khan Academy!!!!! And just turned 75!!
THANK YOU, THANK YOU for getting me interested in math!!!