July 26, 2024

Richardson Column in The Free Lance-Star

UMW College of Business Dean Lynne Richardson

UMW College of Business Dean Lynne Richardson

College of Business Dean Lynne Richardson’s weekly column in The Free Lance-Star explores UNCONSCIOUS BIAS AND ASSUMPTIONS.


We’re hearing more and more about unconscious bias in the workplace. That’s caused me to think about where I have seen and, unfortunately, continue to see, assumptions made because of unconscious bias.

First, what is unconscious bias? It has to do with how we see the world through our own lens because of how we were raised. As a white woman, for example, I see the world differently than I would had I been born Asian American or African American. And I certainly see and experience life differently than if I had been born and raised as a man. Unconscious bias also includes many other attributes, including sexual orientation, age, and religious preferences. And the reality is that each of us is biased. Read more.