April 26, 2024

Richardson Final Column in The Free Lance-Star

UMW College of Business Dean Lynne Richardson

UMW College of Business Dean Lynne Richardson

Outgoing College of Business Dean Lynne Richardson’s final column in The Free Lance-Star is entitled, “Repotting the Plant.”

I’m not a gardener, but I understand the concept of repotting plants.

At some point, the nutrients in the dirt become depleted. Replacing the old dirt with new soil full of nutrients helps the plant grow. Of course, your plant may be outgrowing its pot, so a bigger pot might reduce the constriction on the plant’s growth.

I am the plant in the pot, and it’s time to repot me! I need new nutrients and, while not necessarily a bigger pot, a different pot. After 10 wonderfully challenging years at the University of Mary Washington, I need new challenges to address. This will be my last column. Read more.

RICHARDSON: Repotting the plant (The Free Lance-Star)

Learn to make good decisions by making bad ones first (The Free Lance-Star)

Richardson Column in The Free Lance-Star

UMW College of Business Dean Lynne Richardson

UMW College of Business Dean Lynne Richardson

College of Business Dean Lynne Richardson’s most recent column in The Free Lance-Star is entitled, “Learning to Make Good Decisions by Making Bad Ones First.”

MANY years ago, a reporter asked Walmart founder Sam Walton, “How did you become so successful?” Walton answered, “I’ve made a lot of good decisions.”

The follow-up question by the reporter was then, “How did you learn to make good decisions?” Walton simply replied, “By making a lot of bad decisions.”

Can you relate to this? I certainly can. Read more.


RICHARDSON: Let go of the bone (The Free Lance-Star)

Richardson Column in The Free Lance-Star

UMW College of Business Dean Lynne Richardson

UMW College of Business Dean Lynne Richardson

College of Business Dean Lynne Richardson’s latest column in The Free Lance-Star discusses letting go when a decision in your organization doesn’t go your way. Read “LET GO OF THE BONE.”

We’ve all been there, on one side of the situation or the other.

A decision was that you didn’t agree with. Maybe you thought it wasn’t best for the organization, but it’s more likely that it was not in your personal best interest.

Or perhaps you were the person who had to make the tough call. You gathered the available information to inform the decision and, after mulling the options, made the choice.

Now the announcement has been made. The people impacted are not thrilled. And the second- guessing and arguments begin. Read more.

RICHARDSON: Workplace role model (The Free Lance-Star)

Richardson Column in The Free Lance-Star

UMW College of Business Dean Lynne Richardson

UMW College of Business Dean Lynne Richardson

College of Business Dean Lynne Richardson’s latest column in The Free Lance-Star is entitled, “Aids to ensure better productivity.”

I WEAR hearing aids. Most people are surprised to learn this. They are not only surprised I wear them—and have for more than 15 years—but that I share that I wear them. Evidently, I’m supposed to be embarrassed that I wear them. I’m not.

I also wear glasses or contact lenses. Obviously, people can see when I wear glasses, and I was called “four eyes” as a child. Today, no one seems to care. There’s no stigma attached to wearing glasses.

But it seems some people think I should feel shame that I wear hearing aids. I’m actually proud that I’m smart enough to know that hearing aids help me, both professionally and personally. Read more.

Using data to grow or go (The Free Lance-Star)

Properly prepare for the future (The Free Lance-Star)