Women’s Leadership Colloquium presents Coffee Talk on Sept. 13, 8 to 9 a.m.
The Women’s Leadership Colloquium presents a Coffee Talk titled “Fall Into Change: Growth and Transformation,” on Tuesday, Sept. 13, from 8 to 9 a.m., in the Jepson Alumni and Executive Center Board Room.
Even though many of us desire to expand and grow, sometimes we unknowingly create resistance and wonder why we aren’t seeing the effects of our hard work. Barbara Gustavson, owner of Discover Next Step, will walk you through a different path to understand why your nervous system often fights change and how to hack your brain to embrace the fear that invariably accompanies change in order to experience true growth and freedom.
Gustavson works with helpers, professionals and decision-makers who are ready to stop letting burnout take over the passion for their work. She guides them to develop new ways to think, respond, connect and influence, then map out a plan to take bold steps and use their experiences and talents to create a positive impact. She combines personal growth, leadership and brain-based techniques with her facilitation. Barbara is a Certified Leadership Trainer, Amen Clinic Brain Health Coach, speaker and author.