Debra Hydorn, Professor of Mathematics, was selected to serve as a leadership mentor at the AAC&U/Project Kaleidoscope Summer Leadership Institute. As a mentor she will help participating science faculty develop their leadership plans for projects aimed at transforming undergraduate STEM education. The institute will take place at Pendle Hill, a conference center near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 18-23. To learn more about this and other institutes offered by AAC&U see
Professors Elected Co-Chairs of AAC&U PKAL D.C. Regional Network
Professors Debra Hydorn and Suzanne Sumner (mathematics) were elected co-chairs of the new D.C. regional network of the American Association’s Project Kaleidoscope (PKAL). Hydorn and Sumner are both members of PKAL’s Faculty for the 21st Century (F21) Network. The goals for the network are to continue the work of PKAL toward improving STEM education for all students and providing faculty development and leadership opportunities for STEM educators. The D.C. regional network is planning on holding two meetings each year. The first meeting is planned for Fall 2104 in the D.C. area. The second meeting will be held at JMU in the spring of 2015.
Hydorn Presents Paper, Has Artwork in Mathematical Art Exhibition
On Jan. 16, 2014, Dr. Debra Hydorn, Professor of Mathematics, gave the presentation “Infographics Activities to Promote Graphical and Quantitative Literacy” at the 2014 Joint Mathematics Meetings in Baltimore, Md. The presentation described activities from her First-Year Seminar on Infographics. Dr. Hydorn also had the artwork “Gnomon Board” accepted for the Exhibition of Mathematical Art of the Joint Meetings and she served as a judge for the annual Student Poster Competition.
Professors Present at AAC&U STEM Conference
Kathryn Loesser-Casey, professor of biology, and Debra Hydorn, professor of mathematics, gave the poster presentation “A New Course to Develop Students’ Scientific Reasoning and Practice Skills” at the AAC&U conference Transforming STEM Education: Inquiry, Innovation, Inclusion and Evidence, Oct. 31-Nov. 2, in San Diego, Calif. The poster provided information about the development of IDIS 101 Scientific Reasoning and Practices to prepare incoming students for college-level science course work, which was developed through support from the NSF STEREPS grant. In addition, Deborah O’Dell, associate professor of biology, gave the poster presentation “Using Clickers in the STEM classroom to Promote Student Engagement and Learning” about her experiences using a student response system.
Four UMW Faculty Present at 2013 Lilly Conference

Suzanne Sumner explains her presentation during the 2013 Lilly Conference. Photo courtesy of Ian Franczak.
Suzanne Sumner, professor of mathematics, Mary Beth Mathews, associate professor of religion, Kathryn Loesser-Casey, professor of biology, and Debra Hydorn, professor of mathematics, gave presentations at the 2013 Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching. The theme of this year’s conference was “Evidence Based Teaching and Learning.” Professors Sumner and Mathews gave a poster presentation on “The ‘Race and Revolotion’ First-Year Seminar: Reclaiming the University of Mary Washington’s Social Justice.” Professors Hydorn and Loesser-Casey gave a workshop on “A New Course to Develop Students’ Scientific Reasoning and Practice Skills.” The conference took place in Bethesda, Md., from May 30 – June 2.
Debra Hydorn Presents Infographics Poster at USCOTS
Debra Hydorn, professor of mathematics, presented the poster “Infographics: A First-Year Seminar on Visual Communication” on May 17 at the US Conference on Teaching Statistics in Cary, NC. The poster provided information about the organization and goals of the course and showcased example infographics created by students enrolled in the course.